DNA Genetic Testing

DNA Genetic Testing
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23andMe is a DNA analysis service providing information and tools that allow you to learn about and explore your DNA. 23andMe services allow you to:

  • Find out what your DNA says about you and your family
  • Learn what percent of your DNA is from populations around the world
  • Contact your DNA relatives across continents or across the street
  • Build your family tree and enhance your experience with relatives

Along with ancestry and family information you also receive your entire genetic data in raw form with 23andMe. This gives you the option to use other online services such as Genetic Genie, Athletigen, and GeneKnot to interpret your raw data to get more information relating to potential health benefits and disease risks.

There was a time when testing your DNA and mapping your genetic code would cost 10’s of thousands of dollars. Today with the advancement of technology you can get your genome mapped for a fraction of the cost.


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