The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living – Jeff S. Volek PhD RD, Stephen D. Phinney MD PhD
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In The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living, we share our collective accumulated knowledge on the powerful yet contentious topic of low carbohydrate nutrition. While this topic has been hotly debated among scientists and policy-makers since the early 1970s, new research over the last 10 years offers an exciting new perspective.  Thus we all stand to benefit by taking a more serious look at the issue.

Let’s be honest: our choice of diet is not just a rational medical decision; it’s complicated by personal, emotional, and cultural issues. From the rational perspective, we all agree that there is no one diet that is right for everyone.  But when is carbohydrate restriction appropriate or even a preferred approach?

A major point of diversity in our population is how effectively our bodies respond to insulin, with more than half of the US population showing signs of insulin resistance. A key theme of this book is that insulin resistance is essentially metabolic carbohydrate intolerance, and these people stand to gain the most direct benefit by restricting dietary carbohydrates. If this is you, your patient, a family member, or a friend, understanding the power of low carbohydrate diets just might prevent a disease or even save a life.


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